Barbara Sparacino, MD: Revolutionizing Family Dynamics as the Aging Parent Coach Sep 19, 2024

In a world where longevity is on the rise and more adult children are finding themselves in the role of caregiver, Barbara Sparacino, MD, is leading the charge to help families navigate this...

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Balancing the Costs and Care: Strategies for the Sandwich Generation Sep 08, 2024

Caring for both children and aging parents is a reality for many Americans today—especially those in their 40s and 50s, often referred to as the "sandwich generation." These caregivers spend...

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Feeling the Weight of Your Aging Parentā€™s Calls? Sep 08, 2024

Are you feeling the weight of seeing your aging parent’s name pop up, leaving you riddled with agitation? Contemplating the life-changing decision of becoming your parent's caregiver?...

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How to Help Aging Parents Declutter Without Overstepping Boundaries Sep 08, 2024

As an aging parent coach, I often see clients who are navigating the emotional complexities of decluttering their parents' homes while also grappling with their own fears of loss and grief. A...

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From Stress to Strength: The Complicated Journey of Caring for Aging Parents Sep 08, 2024

As our parents age, the dynamics of our relationships inevitably shift. This transition brings a mix of emotions—love, concern, frustration, and even guilt. It's a complicated journey that...

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The Hidden Cost of "Free" Caregiving Sep 08, 2024

When we hear about caregiving, it’s often painted as a selfless act of love and devotion. But did you know that the cost of “free” caregiving in the U.S. is staggering? In fact,...

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Navigating the Shift: Setting Boundaries with Aging Parents Sep 08, 2024

Navigating the Shift: Setting Boundaries with Aging Parents

Caring for aging parents is a journey filled with love, sacrifice, and sometimes, a whole lot of guilt. But let's face it, it’s not...

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How Smart Tech is Revolutionizing Care for Aging Parents Sep 08, 2024

As our loved ones age, maintaining their independence while ensuring their safety becomes a priority! Smart home technology is proving to be a game-changer for caregivers, offering solutions that...

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Caring for Aging Parents: Before and After Coaching Sep 08, 2024

Before Coaching

Caring for aging parents can often catch people with little preparation. The process often starts subtly:

You begin to notice minor issues with your parents as they get older. These...

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Creating a Heartfelt Caregiving Plan for Your Aging Parents Sep 08, 2024

Taking care of aging parents is a journey filled with love, responsibility, and at times, a bit of confusion. How do you make sure they get the best care while also maintaining your own well-being?...

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Honor Mom and Dad: Use Motherā€™s Day to Reconnect and Reassess Sep 08, 2024

Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate the special bond between you and your mother, but it’s also a meaningful moment to reflect on the relationships you have with your parents as they...

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Transform Your Relationship with Mom (or Dad) Before Mother's Day Sep 08, 2024

Mother's Day is just around the corner, and it's the perfect time to reflect on your relationship with your mom (or dad!) Whether your relationship is strong or could use some improvement, you're...

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